Thursday, March 31, 2016

Cast and Locations:


One of my group members Mr. Asad Ali who is the producer - his duty is to arrange the cast and the locations and he did so and also full filled all the requirements. Mr. Ali asked his friend Rohan Sajjad to act in our music video as he is very passionate about singing and acting, and he agreed to do so.


There are three locations in this video. One of the locations “Gatwala Park”- we chose were close to nature– full of greenery and eye-catching blossoms which gives a good romantic impact on the audience.  We wanted him to travel around the city on different a location which includes “Gloria Jeans”. The third final location we chose was the road with darkness and streetlights on, giving the lover impact.

Story Board:

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Idea and Story:

We all are working on the story for the second project. One of our group mate Muhammad Ahmad is the creative head and he is trying his best to come up with an idea which is unique and attractive along him we are also searching for the ideas and now a days he is working on it. The idea he presented was a music video and the idea he gave was of a transition from being to not being.

My Role:

As we were choosing the role I decided to become an editor of the music video. This is a unique post for me as I was the Director of Photography and the writer in my last project and same goes for my Preliminary exercises about which I mentioned in my last blog "Foundation Portfolio". I wanted to experience all the mediums so this time I became the editor .First of all I thought this is not difficult but when I did work on the editing part I realized that I was wrong, editing is equally challenging and I was very nervous about this project more than my last project as editing was the very first time had experienced but with the help of my instructor I accepted this challenge and try to full fill this task with all my sincerity.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016



I love listening to music but I just can’t listen the audio only. I am a kind of person who loves to watch the video along with the audio. For watching music video I used all the websites such as YouTube, Daily motion etc. Cold play-the British band is my favorite band of all times. There music videos are just so amazing and eye catchy that I just can’t stop watching those music video. It took one week to do research for the music video and I watched countless videos but the most appealing this music video .I love listening the songs of Coldplay and here I am also going to mention one of the Coldplay song “Hymn for the Weekend”.

Hymn for the weekend is a very simple to make. The music video of this song is very tempting. In this video there are the basic shots such as long shot, mid long shot, closeup, mid shot, eye level angle, tilts, pans some still shots are also taken. Extreme close-ups are also included in this video .They joined different cuts very smoothly. The Mis-en- scene is just remarkable everything is just flawless –there was no jump cut. This appealed me so much that I did decide to make a music video.

True love 2014:

As I mentioned earlier - in my first research that I am a big fan of Coldplay. This is the reason that I decided to write on one of my favorite songs of all times-“True Love” .True Love is a song written and performed by a British rock band Coldplay from the album named “Ghost Stories”. The songs music video was directed by Jonas Akerlund. The music video begins with Man in a fat suit strolling along the bus and he realizes that he could never fit through the door, he catches a ride at the back of the bus on a skateboard to his destination..The reason why I love this song is that video of this song is just amazing-very heart touching .True love   talks about heartache and how the protagonist can't bear the pain of losing his lover. The Mis-en- scene, the angles, the shots and the editing part -these things are just unflawed and exceptional.


Once again the song which I am mentioning is somehow related to my beloved band Coldplay. Much loved singer Anmol Malik who has sung the recreated  song of my favorite band- Coldplay   – she has sung the song named “Lamhien”  which is the version of Coldplay’s Paradise.Lamhien is a very soft  Hindi song .After watching this video I got to know that the video  looks perfect when the sound tracks are synced with the videos. This fascinated me while I was watching the video .The director of this music video is Mohit Suri .Lamhien is a Hindi pop song which has very soulfull lyrics that attracts the audience.


After finishing the first challenge its time to take the burden off of the second project which is “Advance Portfolio”. The dead line is just around the corner, so we are aware do it as soon as possible. My team comprises of four members. Muhammad Rafey Farukh is the director of photography, Asad Ali is the producer, Muhammad Ahmad is the writer and I am the Editor .In the second project we decided to do something unique and attractive so we decided to make a music video.